Ryugatei Restaurant in Rurikei, Sonobe-cho, Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture

About Ryugatei

You can take out anything. Please feel free to order.
We look forward to your reservations and inquiries.
TEL 0771-65-0209

Email address  information@rurikei-ryugatei.jp

Business hours

11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Parking available

Rurikei Ryugatei
You should be able to forget about everyday life for a while
Please come and enjoy the bright and fun nature of Naruri Valley.

Our store is located in a tourist area and is run by a family, except by reservation and during peak seasons. This is a super small store. I think there were many areas where we fell short. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize.
We have been working for many years with the aim of being a store that the general public will enjoy.
If you like this kind of store, please come visit us.
Reservations are welcome! We look forward to your reservation. We will service you.
Please note that from now on, unauthorized photography inside the store is strictly prohibited. (Due to copyright and privacy concerns)
Thank you.

Recommended menu/recommended points

Our meal prices include tax.

BBQ along the mountain stream General course 3,000 yen Special course 3,200 yen

Botan (button) hotpot set meal 2,000 yen Large boar meat 2,500 yen

Botan hotpot course meal 6,000 yen *Reservation required

Rurikei Album

Cherry blossoms in our parking lot

Cherry blossoms near our store

Cherry blossoms near our store

Valley in front of our store



Address: 25 Okochi Miyamaguchi, Sonobe-cho, Nantan-shi, Kyoto 622-0065
Phone number: 0771-65-0209
Business hours: 11:30-17:00

Our store is located at the entrance to Kyoto Prefectural Park Rurikei.

If you are coming from Kyoto City by JR…
From Kyoto Station, get off at Sonobe Station on the Sagano Line. From the west exit of Sonobe Station, take the Keihan Kyoto Kotsu bus or town community bus bound for Oku Rurikei and get off at the Rurikei bus stop, then walk for 1 minute.
If you are coming by car from the Hanshin area…
Approximately 40 minutes from the Hanshin Expressway Ikeda-Kibe exit via National Route 173. Please refer to Rurikei Golf Course’s official website.

– Ryugatei –

25 Okochi Miyamaguchi, Sonobe-cho, Nantan-shi 622-0065
Business hours 11:30-17:00

Copyright ©2024 – 琉雅亭 –. All Rights Reserved.